🔨 Workshop: Publish & reconcile against SKOS vocabularies with SkoHub


Steffen Rörtgen (@sroertgen) , Petra Maier (@maipet) , Tobias Bülte (@tobiasNx)


This hands-on workshop will guide participants through the process of publishing controlled vocabularies encoded in SKOS using SkoHub Pages. SkoHub Pages offers an efficient way to publish vocabularies in both human and machine-readable formats without requiring an additional server using GitHub Pages.

After that we will see how to use these vocabularies in reconciliation tasks with SkoHub Reconcile


  1. Introduction to RDF & SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization System)
    • Brief overview of RDF & SKOS and its significance in managing controlled vocabularies.
    • Examples of SKOS usage in libraries and education infrastructures.
  2. Introduction to SkoHub
    • Overview of SkoHub moduls their functionalities (SkoHub Vocabs, SkoHub Reconcile, SkoHub Shape and SkoHub Pages)
  3. Hands-on Session: Building and Publishing a Vocabulary
    • Step-by-step guide to creating a controlled vocabulary in SKOS format.
    • Practical exercise: Participants will build their own vocabulary.
    • Publishing the vocabulary using SkoHub Pages on GitHub in human and machine-readable formats.
  4. Reconciliation:
    • Introduction to Reconciliation and SkoHub Reconcile
    • Practical Exercise: Using the published vocabulary in a simple reconciliation task
  5. Q&A and Discussion
    • Addressing participants’ questions and discussing potential applications.

Target Audience:
Librarians, information professionals, and developers interested in Semantic Web technologies, linked data, and vocabulary management.

Participants should have basic knowledge of controlled vocabularies.

:information_source: To register your participation in this workshop click on the “Going” button above. You will then receive an email notification as soon as facilitators post an update. Watch out to not register for two parallel workshops.

Dear SKOS enthusiasts,

in order to fully participate in the workshop we ask you to prepare the following:

  • You have a Github account or otherwise create one here. This will enable you to set up a SKOHUB Vocabulary and publish it with Github Pages.
  • You have a Wikimedia or an ORCID Accout or create one here: Wikimedia or ORCID, so that you can upload your vocabulary to https://reconcile-publish.skohub.io/ and test the reconciliation features of SKOHUB.
  • We provide a hosted version of openRefine for the workshop. But optionally you can use your installed version on your computer.

If you have any questions or need support by setting up any of feel free to ask us. But we advise to open a new thread in the Workshops@SWIB24 - SWIB Forum and tag it with ws-skohub.

Looking forward to the workshop,
@sroertgen , @maipet & @tobiasNx