🔨 Workshop: Introduction to property graphs

Workshop facilitator(s)

Jakob Voß (@nichtich)


Property Graphs are a powerful and flexible data structure used to represent relationships and properties based on graphs. The tutorial will give an introduction to property graphs including a comparision with RDF and how to map between both data structuring languages. After basic definition of property graphs and their elements we will look at examples and practical applications as well as tools and technologies such as graph database management systems and visualization tools. The workshop will include exercises using an online graph database and introduction to the query language CYPHER and to the property graph exchange format PG. Data modeling with property graphs is shown and compared to RDF with each of its advantages and limitations.

:information_source: To register your participation in this workshop click on the “Going” button above. You will then receive an email notification as soon as facilitators post an update. Watch out to not register for two parallel workshops.

For a smooth workshop experience please prepare by one of the following:

  • either have Docker on your machine and download the Neo4J image via docker pull neo4j (recommended)
  • or select “Get Started for Free” at neo4j.com and “Start Free” from there to create an account (single sign on possible with an existing Google account)

Thanks and looking forward to see you!

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How are we going to attend? Which platform will be used? Do we need to log into a video conference room?

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Hi @ikyriazi , the workshop will happen in this BigBlueBotton room: IMS RealTime Communication (I also added the link to the original event post.)


Thanks, Adrian!

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I guess someone needs to open the room?

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That was unclear …