📣 SWIB24 announcements

This is the topic for general SWIB24 announcements.

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This week, we have published the SWIB programme

We also published a longer post about our move to this Discourse forum: Moving SWIB communications to a Discourse forum: motivation, plans & challenges

We have now added a Registration page to the website clarifying the requirements for conference participation:

The SWIB24 conference is free of charge and the live stream will be openly available online.

However, to participate in the online conference and to receive conference updates, please register for the SWIB community forum: SWIB Forum

You also need an account on the SWIB forum in order to register your participation in a workshop (happening on Monday, 25th November). Go to the overview over the seven workshops, choose a workshop and click on the “Going” button on the respective workshop forum page. Watch out to not register for two parallel workshops.

By now, there are more than 222 registrations for the SWIB forum. :tada: Here is a screenshot of the current site statistics at About - SWIB Forum :

In case you wonder, where all those posts and likes can be found: We are not only using the forum for community communication but we also have categories restricted to a group of users where we discuss programme committee internals, and perspectively site-specific internals (e.g. moderation questions) but the most used restricted category currently is about general SWIB organization topics. We are already seeing improvements in these aspects of the communication between organizers with the move to a Discourse forum.


:mega: SWIB24 is right around the corner – and the programme also contains seven great hands-on workshops which will give you the opportunity to exchange experiences with other community members and teach you practical skills that are useful every day at work!
The workshops will take place on Monday, 25th of November over three timeslots – see the overview at :hammer_and_pick: Workshops at SWIB24.
For example, learn to locally run large language models, get to know Annif for automated subject indexing or Jupyter Notebooks for metadata analysis, dive into SKOS and reconciliation, Property Graphs, or the Open Research Knowledge Graph. And if all of that is not the right fit, there is one more workshop which will teach you how we can explore failures in our professional lives and what we can learn from them – and it still needs participants willing to give a lightning talk, so sign up today :white_check_mark: and share your stories!

You can sign up for a workshop by clicking the “Going” button on the respective page. However, please do not sign up for parallel workshops so that the workshop facilitators get a realistic estimate of the number of prospective participants and can plan accordingly.

We would like to extend a warm thank you :pray: to all the facilitators for stepping up to offer a workshop and share their knowledge and experience!


Any questions about the forum and its use? We got you covered.

A lot of things are new at this year’s SWIB, especially the use of this Discourse forum for all things conference and community communication. The underlying forum software Discourse is quite powerful and questions and problems might pop up here and there.

To discuss these kinds of forum usage questions or to look out for tips, we have the Site Feedback category. You can already find some tips there, for example how to start an Interactive tutorials on how to use the forum .

All problems and questions regarding forum usage can be posted into Site Feedback so that other forum users can help out and people with similar problems in the future can easily find an answer.

Dear SWIB24 participants,

the conference will start on Monday, and we’d like to share some last-minute information with you.

SWIB24 Stream

The conference will be streamed on the SWIB24 homepage: SWIB24 Home

Most (but not all) talks will be recorded and uploaded to YouTube and the TIB AV portal to be viewed at any time after the conference.

SWIB24 chat

For real-time communication during the conference, we have set up a simple chat at Chat #SWIB24. Yo can use it to post questions and comments about the talk that is being given at the time – looking forward to see you there, and to a lively discussion!

Lightning Talks

As usual, we will have a Lightning Talk session at SWIB, happening on Wednesday. We invite everyone to make use of the opportunity to share your latest projects or ideas in a short (3–5 min) lightning talk with the community!

Lightning Talks can now be submitted at Lightning Talks.


:mega: The SWIB24 live stream will start in 1.5 hours on 14:00 UTC with the keynote by Denny Vrandečić on “How knowledge representation is changing in a world of large language models”. These are today’s two sessions, divided by a 15 minute break:

14:00–15:15 UTC Session 1: Opening

  1. Opening address (Silke Schomburg, hbz)
  2. Keynote: How knowledge representation is changing in a world of large language models (@Denny Vrandečić )
  3. Community-based development of a metadata profile for educational resources (@acka47 & @lummerland)

15:30–16:45 UTC Session 2: Data & Interoperability

  1. CapData Opéra: ease data interoperability for opera houses (@nchauvat)
  2. An aggregation workflow based on linked data for the common European data space for cultural heritage (@nfreire & @coret)
  3. It is not all Greek anymore: use of LOD to increase the interoperability of data created by the National Library of Greece (@szapoun & Lazaros Ioannidis)

Hi. Is there a specific link to attend online?

You will find the live stream on the SWIB24 website: SWIB24 Home

Questions to the speakers and comments can be posted in the SWIB24 chat or in the forum topic for each talk.

(I am now closing this topic for comments by anybody, as for each post every forum user gets a notification email.)

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:mega: The second day of SWIB24 will start in half an hour at 14:00 UTC. You can follow the live stream at SWIB24 Home

Today, we will have these two sessions:

14:00–15:15 UTC Session 3: Generating Linked Metadata

  1. Automating metadata extraction and cataloguing: experiences from the National Libraries of Norway and Finland
  2. MARC21 bibliographic to LRM/RDA/RDF mapping and conversion project
  3. ANTELOPE: open source service for accessible semantic annotation in GLAM

15:30–16:45 UTC Session 4: LOD for End Users

  1. Empowering user discovery with Linked Data and Semantic Web technologies
  2. Setting the stage: enabling curation spaces for dialogues with Ibali Digital Collections UCT
  3. E-LAUTE: establishing a music edition platform using Semantic Web technologies

See you soon!

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:mega: The SWIB24 chat is now accessible for all participants!

It was reported to us that many of you were not able to access the SWIB chat we have been talking about time and again in the stream. Sorry for the inconvenience, we have now fixed this and you should all be able to access the chat:

(The problem came up in the first place because the Discourse software’s default configuration does not allow completely new users to post into the chat. You usually have to reach trust level 1 first.)


:mega: Please fill out the post-conference survey!

SWIB24 is over, and we are curious: What made you participate in SWIB and how do you think it went? The survey is anonymous, the aggregated results will be open to the community. Also, if you have any more feedback beyond our multiple choice questions, please add it in a reply to the survey topic!

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:mega: Please fill out the post-conference survey (if you haven’t yet)!

It would be great to get some more feedback and it only takes a few minutes to click through the questions.

The survey is anonymous, the aggregated results will be open to the community. Also, if you have any more feedback beyond our multiple choice questions, please add it in a reply to the survey topic!